Facebook.Com Full Site Home

Facebook is the most popular social networks site that features a different for Mobile phone. Typically, when you check out FaceBook on Mac, Windows or another Computer system, you see a facebook.com full site home "www.facebook.com," however when you go to the very same site from a Mobile phone, you know a facebook.com mobile variation of the page "m.facebook.com." It applies to Android, iOS or any Mobile Phone or Tablet.

The mobile variation of the FaceBook does not have some functions compared with Desktop exception of the complete website. Often FaceBook requires a user to utilize Desktop change to get rid of the limitation or unclog an account. Desktop variation likewise lets you see the online users and chat with them in real-time. So today we are going to find out how you can open facebook.com desktop site on Android, iPhone or iPad.

facebook com moblie

Face Facebook Home Page

Approach-- 1

Android, iOS, and other gadgets: Ways to Visit FaceBook Complete Website

  1. See FaceBook.Com on your smart device or Tablet, and you will see a Mobile Page.
  2. Visit with your FaceBook ID and Password.
  3. After login, check out https://www.facebook.com/home.php, and you will be on the Desktop variation on the FaceBook website.

Approach-- 2

iPhone iPad Users: The best ways to View FaceBook Complete Website (Desktop Variation).

  1. Release Safari internet browser on your iPhone or iPad.
  2. Go to FaceBook.Com, and you would most likely be on the Mobile variation of the website.
  3. Now tap on the little sharing icon (situated on the bottom), and choose Demand Desktop Website.
  4. You will be on the Desktop variation of sites; you can enter your FaceBook ID and Password to login to the Complete internet site.

facebook.com desktop site
Check it out:

Android Users: The best ways to see Desktop Variation of the FaceBook Web page on Mobile Gadgets.

  1. Introduce Google Chrome on your Android Phone.
  2. Go to FaceBook.Com, and you will be on Mobile Page.
  3. Tap on Menu icon (situated on the leading right corner), and tap on Demand Desktop Website.
  4. Please keep in mind that you might still see a mobile page. If this holds true, just type www.facebook.com in the address bar, and press OK. You will be on the desktop variation of the website.

facebook.com full site home