How to Leave a Group on Facebook

How to leave a group on Facebook - Here's a concept. Rather of going all the method, you can follow the course of least resistance and eliminate yourself from the group. It will conserve you all the difficulty of erasing each member, and you will be devoid of all the unimportant alerts in your news feed.

How to Leave a Group on Facebook

Action 1. Go to your group page

How to leave a group on facebook

Go to your group page by clicking its name in the left panel of your web page under the "Groups" area. If you do not see your group noted, click the "Groups" area title and try to find your group name in the total list (images are above in the tutorial).

Action 2. Open the "Members" tab

how do i leave a group on facebook

Click the "Members" alternative listed below the cover image to open the list of all the members of the group.

Action 3. Eliminate yourself from the group.

how do you leave a group on facebook

The procedure is precisely like previously. Click the "equipment" button and choose "Leave Group" from the drop-down menu.

Step 4. Leave the group and quit admin rights.

how do you leave a group on facebook

A pop-up window will appear asking whether you are sure about your choice and dream to renounce your admin opportunities. Click "Leave Group" to desert this quagmire entirely.
Read this article:

Step 5. From the group.

how can you leave a group on facebook

Now, you run out the group, and its activities will not flood your alerts or web page once again.

Action 6. Rejoining the group.

how can you leave a group on facebook

If you want to sign up with the group once again, click the "Join Group" button.

how to leave a group on facebook all at once

If it were a Closed or Personal group, you would not have the ability to sign up with the group once again without the authorization of an admin. If you were the only admin on the page, that opportunity was handed down to the other members of the group when you left.