Facebook Mobile Version Login

Facebook mobile version login - Facebook provides a mobile variation of their website. This is for users who wish to visit their Facebook from a mobile phone or another mobile phone, however, does not have a Facebook application set up on the gadget. You can likewise visit Facebook's mobile variation from any Web web browser on a desktop or laptop. The mobile variation of Facebook has comparable functions as the primary variation of the website, however with fewer features.

how to login to facebook mobile

Facebook Mobile Version Login

Open a Web internet browser on your computer system.

Click the address bar and highlight the address of your internet browser's web page. Press the "Erase" secret to remove the address bar.

Type "http://m.facebook.com" into the address bar and press the "Get in" secret on your keyboard. Facebook's mobile page will open in your Web internet browser.

Go to the e-mail address and password for your Facebook profile.

Click the "Login" button, and you will be rerouted to Facebook's mobile variation.

Facebook Mobile Version Login
Click over here:


To go back to the basic desktop variation of Facebook on your computer system, see facebook.com, without the included mobile address prefix.